
Thought Provoking Lessons In Business And Life

Last Friday (23rd January) I was facilitating my annual planning workshop, BluePrint in the Glenview Hotel, Wicklow. As usual the event attracted a diverse mix of people and I’m always interested to see who comes.
For this particular workshop it turned out that everyone in the room was working for themselves

Useful PR Tips For Anyone In Business

Before I was exposed to the real value of PR, I used to think of it as something ‘intangible’. What I’ve discovered is that when it’s done right, it has immense value. Yet many in business are not always clear about what to do to get the right result

The Easy Way Vs. The Hard Way

“Life’s easy if you live it the hard way,
and hard if you live it the easy way.”

The easy way:

Leaving things the way they are
Not speaking up and sharing what I believe
Eating whatever you like
Starting each day with no plan or priorities
Letting your past dictate your future
Letting my emails dictate my focus today

The Problem – Opportunity Choice

“Don’t be pushed by your problems. Be led by your dreams.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

There are problems and there are opportunities.

Life and business has endless problems and endless opportunities.

A Great Question For This Time Of Year

What’s the worse that can happen, and can I live with it?

I love great questions. Like great quotes, I actually collect them as a hobby (I know, I know – get a life etc. 🙂 )

The above question is one that I believe is well known but not well used.  This question is a great one to ask yourself when faced with key decisions to make.

The Hardest Thing in 2015

“The easiest thing is to react.
The second easiest is to respond.
But the hardest thing is to initiate.”
– Seth Godin

This week most people will be all about New Year’s resolutions and perhaps some goals.

The challenge will be to see them through the inevitable blurring of vision from the ‘busy-ness’ all around.