
Can a golfer inspire you?


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Here’s your shot of weekly inspiration:
“At the end of every golf season, I’ve done some serious reflecting
on my game in order to get a realistic and precise picture on
where and how I should try to improve the following year.
Dreams can be great motivators, but i discovered early on
that actually achieving them depends mostly on such concrete
factors as knowledge and work.”
– Jack Nicklaus, World Class Golfer
There’s so much to consider in the above quote.Firstly, this great golfer emphasises the importance
he places on stopping to review his work, so that

his following season would be more informed
and focused on the most important areas.
In any field, if you don’t stop regularly to review what you’re doing and
more importantly why and how you’re doing it, you could end up
at the end of the wrong road wondering how exactly you got there.
A real review will involve asking hard questions of yourself
so that you get a ‘reality check’, which should ultimately
ensure you’re better informed as you progress.The other key part of his statement i think are about dreams.
Yes they’re key.

But without knowledge (the right information) and work (action)
they’re not likely to happen.
So here’s something to consider as we move into the second
half of 2010:
Have you taken time out to review where you’re at
in your business and you personal life?
If so, are you clear on the lessons learned and the priority areas
you want to focus on for the second half of 2010?
If you haven’t done either, maybe you’d consider planning
in some time to really do it?  (That could be a top action for you this week…)
Food for thought,
Have a great week,