
Adversity And Letting Go

I found myself on a call last Friday with several hundred people from around the world as we participated in a global check-in for leaders and transformation professionals.

One of the questions discussed was this: What are you being called to let go of?

Here were the most common answers: Busyness / Existing mental patterns / The way ‘I’ want it to be / My ego and the way it ‘should’ be / My need to control everything

Your greatest weapon against stress

I had so many conversations with leaders going through turmoil last week but two stick out.

They were with 2 leaders in reasonably similar situations. Yet one of them had gone into total doomsday mode and as a result ‘paralysis by analysis’. The other was experiencing some stress but was focused on getting to the reality of the situation and then adapting quickly to the new reality.

Some Positive (And Free) Information For Your Mind

Most people reading this will find themselves in a new situation – where they will be working from home more than normal.

Something I learned years ago while going through a severe personal crisis, was I had to be very careful about the kind of information I consumed.

And I remember in the crash of 2008/09 that one of the biggest problems for my clients was the amount of negative information being consumed daily – which when they reduced helped their clarity considerably because it reduced the scale of the fear that had taken hold.

Corona Crisis: 2 Essential Elements To Get Though This (And Extra Advice)

I’ve spent a lot of the last 3-4 days speaking with leaders as they try to adapt to what’s happening in the world right now.

There has been a blend of under-reaction, over-reaction and insightful action.

I found myself telling a story to a few about James Stockdale (who I will return to in a future post) who is a famous US military officer. Famous for the recognition of his resilience while being captured as a Prisoner of War during the Vietnam War, and in the most extreme and inhumane conditions.

Corona Crisis: 10 Pieces Of Advice For Leaders On Handling The ‘New Reality’

Below is some advice I’ve sent out to clients and people in my community. It may help and give you an angle you hadn’t yet considered as this unprecedented situation continues to unfold.   The reality now is that we seem to be moving rapidly into a different phase of this corona virus crisis. One that needs […]

Corona And Being The One Person

It has been amazing to watch the mental impact on many people over the last few weeks as the Coronavirus has moved around the world.

The uncertainty and volatility brought into the financial markets is just one example of the consequences to this phenomenon. People in Australia fighting over toilet rolls in a supermarket is another!

When things become more uncertain, most become more fearful.

And what we will see now in the coming weeks and months, is that fear creates other problems.

How To Improve Your Results AND Relationships In One Move…

“I’ve just realised something very big.”

The words were from a very smart and experienced leader and we had been discussing their approach to how the interacted with their staff. He had been silent for over a minute as he digested something I’d shared around the inner approach to business.

“I’ve been focused on ‘being right’. But I should be focused on ‘getting it right’.”

It was a beautiful way of saying something that’s prevalent for many.