
Awareness On Its Own Is Over-rated (And Not Really Awareness…)

In my experience, when you try to achieve something great or important to you, there is something inside you that rises up. I call it the ‘Inner Procrastinator’, and it’s usually a deadly quiet assassin of great results and a better life. It's also incredibly clever and subtle, presenting you with super excuses to avoid what you know, deep down, you want to do.


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“Self-awareness is what makes me so profoundly awesome.”

– Bumper Sticker

“At least I’m aware I have a problem.”

This sentence I’ve heard many many times from clients usually in the context of procrastination. It’s usually in relation to being really busy with things other than the MIT… – the Most Important Thing.

They’re usually saying it to me like a badge of honour – but really it’s worthless and the ego just fooling itself.

In my experience, when you try to achieve something great or important to you, there is something inside you that rises up.

I call it the ‘Inner Procrastinator’, and it’s usually a deadly quiet assassin of great results and a better life. It’s also incredibly clever and subtle, presenting you with super excuses to avoid what you know, deep down, you want to do.

If it makes you feel any better, I haven’t encountered anyone who doesn’t have one. But being aware of it isn’t anything to celebrate because we need to master it.

I know a few people who are very aware they have poor health habits (e.g. smoking, over-eating, lack of exercise) but they don’t change any of it. That’s pretty worthless awareness.

I know others who are very aware they are busy doing mediocre things and feel frustrated by where they are in life or at the lack of progress on key goals. (These same people are often the ones who tell you they are ‘very aware’…)

Here’s something to consider:

Awareness is only real when you start to change what you’re aware of.

A starting point today, would be to ask yourself this question:

What are the most important things I could be doing to move the dial in:

  • My business/career and
  • My life

Then commit to doing those things in the first 3 hours of your day this week.

Most people soothe their anxieties by keeping busy, perfecting things that don’t need to be perfect. Most procrastination ironically isn’t being idle – you can be quite busy but still be controlled by your inner procrastinator. Busy doing what’s comfortable, predictable and unfortunately mediocre.

Now is a great time to challenge yourself in this area.

I know you might be aware of this before… but are you doing anything about it? 🙂


PS – If you’d like specific strategies to transform how you use your time, consider this 1 hour audio download, 19 Habits: Powerful Ways To Get What Matters Done. Details here.

Free Weekly Relaxation For Leaders: ‘Technical’ Glitch Fixed…

My apologies if you tried to get on this last week – my phone decided to enter the diving olympics just before the instagram live and ended up breaking itself. I’ll be back on air tomorrow, Tuesday 13th October 7.40am Irish time To Boost Your Clarity And Focus. When you see more and more top performing business leaders and sports people using mental tools to get the edge, surely it’s time to take notice and at least give some of them a try? You can join without anyone seeing you and the feedback from everyone who has participated is very positive. Instagram Live.

Online Academy: Check out these useful online talks and courses to help you accelerate your personal and professional development, gain more clarity and improve your results. See here.

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