
Bono’s Voice Disappears / CEOs, Entrepreneurs

“Even the best get caught out.  And so, every day, even the best have to start again."


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“Even the best get caught out.

And so, every day, even the best have to start again.”

– Bob Rotella, Leading Mind Coach To Top Sports Stars

I note that U2 had to cancel their concert only after a few songs on Saturday night at Berlin’s Mercedes-Benz Arena, after Bono lost his voice.

A reminder that even the best can get caught out at anytime and it’s not so much that adversity never strikes but how we handle it when it does.

Last week I found myself in my home town of Kilkenny, Ireland where I’d been asked to speak with a group of entrepreneurs.

The group was part of the Ernst & Young Alumni for their very successful Entrepreneur Of The Year Program.

I spoke about the inner game of leadership and life, with some references to sport and the audience on the night in Hotel Kilkenny was about 50 experienced and successful entrepreneurs/CEOs.

And of course everyone in the audience was very familiar with adversity and having to overcome almost insurmountable odds and situations, both personal and professional.

One of my points shared on the night was that ‘Even the best have to start again’ or else you’re asking for trouble.

Renewal is key. Especially if you want to be at your best.

And part of that means finding Routines that work for you, and that you will do consistently across four areas: Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual.

Who knows why Bono lost his voice at the weekend? But it’s his key tool in his career so he needs to look after himself and it. And I’m sure he’ll bounce back.

What about you?

  • How well are you looking after the ‘asset’ that is you?
  • What are the Routines you ‘know you should do’ but have stopped or just plain ignored?

You may not have thousands of fans hanging on your every word, but you probably have a lot of people around you who want and need you at your best.

What will you do about it this week….?



ps – If you’re interested in learning more insights to help your leadership, career and life, consider joining me at a public talk in Dublin, Ireland on the 3rd October. Details below.


The Thrive Experience – 9th -11th Sep **Sold Out**

A unique 2 day/2 night event in September with myself and other experienced business leaders – recharge, re-focus and gain more clarity and insight on what matters most to you professionally and personally. Details here.

Join Me In Chicago? – 18th-21st September.

Philanthropic Event & US/IRL Business Networking in Chicago, All details here.

An Evening Of Inspiration And Clarity – Dublin 3rd October

Join me for a public talk where I will share tried and tested ideas that will add immense value to you, your organisation and your life. Details here.

The Clarity Program – Evening Program (Dublin – Starts 17th October)

In today’s busy world, clarity is the ultimate power. Over 6 weeks, build the essential inner skills of clarity which will help improve your focus, peace of mind, productivity and enjoyment. Details here.


Book: Inspire Me – ‘Life Wisdom To Pass On’. Buy UK/IRLNorth America

CEO Question Series: If you’re a CEO or in a leadership position, you should enjoy my free weekly CEO Question Series. On YouTube and Linked In.

Online Academy: Achieve more clarity, excel in your personal and professional development with some of my online courses and talks. Learn at your own pace from anywhere. More details here.

Topics include:

  • State Of Mind: Improve The Key To Better Results In Busines And Life
  • Thrive: How To Do It In A World That’s Changing Faster Than Ever
  • BluePrint Online : Improve your Purpose, Clarity and Focus


My Blog – The Eye Of The Storm: https://shanecradock.com/blog/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/shanecradock 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ShaneCradock.InspiredBusiness/ 

Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/shanecradock/

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