
Corona Crisis: 2 Essential Elements To Get Though This (And Extra Advice)

I’ve spent a lot of the last 3-4 days speaking with leaders as they try to adapt to what’s happening in the world right now.

There has been a blend of under-reaction, over-reaction and insightful action.

I found myself telling a story to a few about James Stockdale (who I will return to in a future post) who is a famous US military officer. Famous for the recognition of his resilience while being captured as a Prisoner of War during the Vietnam War, and in the most extreme and inhumane conditions.

Corona Crisis: 10 Pieces Of Advice For Leaders On Handling The ‘New Reality’

Below is some advice I’ve sent out to clients and people in my community. It may help and give you an angle you hadn’t yet considered as this unprecedented situation continues to unfold.   The reality now is that we seem to be moving rapidly into a different phase of this corona virus crisis. One that needs […]