
1:1 Services

What Do Business & Sports Have In Common?

Life and business is a full contact sport, but there is one major difference.
In sports the players understand the value of having someone in their corner, pushing their buttons and pressing them to leverage every opportunity that presents itself. In sport your coach is an irreplaceable asset in your success. Who do you have in your corner? We all know, the more responsibility you amass the lonelier the world can feel. There is no reason to persevere alone, amplifying stress and indecision. Isn’t it time to take some inspiration from the top athletes?

What Does Your Version Of Hell Look Like?

Someone said this to me years ago:
Hell on earth would be to meet the person I could have become.
I guess in simple terms, that motivates me to be better and it’s a key part of what I bring to the table for you i.e. to prevent it from happening!

Hell on earth would be to meet the person I could have become.

The People Who Get The Most Out Of Me.

If you’re someone seeking the very best in their field and in life, and also intending the best for the people around you, then you might be a fit.

My services and support are geared to working with the best, not just in terms of their competence but also their character. In my experience, better people make better leaders. That’s what the world needs more than ever right now and I’d like to help accelerate that.

PYMPC Your Success

The starting point for new clients is typically a complimentary consultation call that I call a PYMPC session – Pretend You’re My Private Client - where we can discuss what you’re seeking.

If we are a fit, the usual next step is my Clarity Experience, which is a customised process that runs over 4-6 weeks.

Looking For Inspiration?

Every Monday morning since 2008, I’ve been sending quick, impactful emails to kickstart your week. In under 60 seconds, get stories, insights, and tools for personal excellence.