
A Vital Key To A Strong & Clear Mind


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“To keep the body in good health is a duty…
otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.”
– Buddha
It’s a lesson I’ve had to learn myself, time and time again.

And I’ve watched clients and friends neglect it, until their bodies eventually decide to ‘stop’ them.

It could be through the flu (man-flu in particular is really bad…), an injured back, a disease or worse case, something life threatening like a heart-attack. Looking after your physical health is key to everything that matters.

As that fella Buddha said, it’s a ‘duty’.

When your body is looked after by you, it empowers your mind to perform better – which means better insights, energy and clarity for you. The trick we often play on ourselves is the ‘When I’ one…

When I get to the end of this project, then I’ll look after myself.
When I retire, then…
When I have more time, then…
You get the idea.
We often know what we have to do to look after ourselves physically. And the usual objection is that ‘I have no time right now, but when I…’ It’s just an excuse.
What I find fascinating is that when we really do prioritise our physical health our energy, clarity, resilience and mental strength is enhanced. Everything that’s in demand these days! 🙂

As Jim Rohn said,
“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.”

What can you do this week to look after your physical body?

Upcoming Events:
‘The Waiting Room’ – A new type of comedy theatre experience that entertains, educates and inspires, created by Shane Cradock, plays in Wicklow (The Mermaid Arts Centre) On 16th & 17th October and in Dublin (Smock Alley), 20th to 22nd November.

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