“Victory comes from finding opportunities in problems”
Sun Tzu
I’m just back from some time off and I really enjoyed complete detachment from the news.
So it’s probably no surprise to you that the first thing that has struck me in getting back into ‘work mode’ and tuning back into the business and media world is the barrage of information about an imminent recession.
I’m not going to disagree with that but I am going to flag being careful not to get caught up with the doom and gloom merchants.
Adapting to reality is key.
But once you’ve done that you can still harness the sails of your ship to make use of the weather. Many people are starting to take their eye off the ball without realising it, because their minds have been compromised by the ‘news’. As a result, their emotional temperature has increased without realising it and this then ‘tints’ all of their thinking.
It’s becoming increasingly important to create your own daily news. This starts with getting your mind right, daily.
It’s not necessarily easy but it is very possible to find new opportunities for success in the current and forthcoming environment.
A great question to help this is to contemplate this question:
Where are the opportunities? – work and personal
P.S. – I can offer 2 ways of raising your game to the next level in the coming months – and for a fraction of the costs of working privately with me. The first is a 3 month virtual Flip The Script program, created by myself and Dr. Michael Gerharz. Starts early September. Details and registration here.
The second is my signature 8 week program, MindShift, which provides you with the essential inner toolkit for navigating through uncertain, volatile environments. Details here.
Both programs have a reduced early-bird fee up to 31st July.
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