
Advice From A Pulitzer Prize Winner

“I can’t give you a surefire formula for success, but I can give you formula for failure: try to please everybody all the time.”


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“I can’t give you a surefire formula for success,
but I can give you formula for failure:
try to please everybody all the time.”

– Herbert Bayard Swope, American editor and journalist;
first recipient of the Pulitzer Prize

I believe that most of us are conditioned from a young age
to please others.

Our parents, teachers, sports coaches, friends etc.

As we develop into adults, these habits become unconscious
and we can lose touch with what we really want, often putting
our own needs way down the list of priorities.

Take a minute to think about this question:

Where might I be unconsciously holding myself back,
by trying to please people?

If everyone’s happy with you, that’s great for them.

But it’s most likely not great for your life or career.

No matter how good you think you are.

Food for thought,

Training & Development Opportunities In February
There never is the perfect time to take time out for
workshops or training.

But if you’re keen to make positive changes soon
here are 2 workshops in February that compliment each other and
may be of interest to you.

BluePrint:  Get Clarity On The Year Ahead And Beyond

This 1 day workshop helps you get clarity on your
goals and priorities for the year ahead and beyond.

All details here.


It takes place on Sat 6th February.

TimeShift:  Better Productivity & Living In The Digital Age

A blend of time management, success psychology, mindfulness,
and personal energy management, this is some of the most powerful training
I offer and has immediate impact.

This 3 morning workshop that helps you develop the right skills
to nail your top priorities in a balanced way.

All details here.

Venue:  Dublin City, starting Tue 16th February, 10am to 1pm

In a nutshell, BluePrint helps you clarify your priorities for the year.
TimeShift helps you get them done in a balanced and controlled way.

Looking For Inspiration?

Every Monday morning since 2008, I’ve been sending quick, impactful emails to kickstart your week. In under 60 seconds, get stories, insights, and tools for personal excellence.