
Alarm Bells Are Ringing…

I wasn’t in the good books with TLJ (The Lovely Judy) or the kids over the weekend. Our house alarm has been broken for several weeks and as a result, we had fallen out of the habit of setting it every night. But it was fixed recently and I decided on Saturday night to set it. I’m usually the first up in our home, and because of the lack of habit, I walked into the kitchen without dis-arming the alarm.


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“Some days I amaze myself.

Other days I put my keys in the fridge…”

I wasn’t in the good books with TLJ (The Lovely Judy) or the kids over the weekend.

Our house alarm has been broken for several weeks and as a result, we had fallen out of the habit of setting it every night. But it was fixed recently and I decided on Saturday night to set it.

I’m usually the first up in our home, and because of the lack of habit, I walked into the kitchen without dis-arming the alarm.

Cue waking up the entire house @6am. You can imagine the interesting comments I received, as the entire house woke up… So last night I set it, and told myself to remember to dis-arm the alarm (as did TLJ…).

But as you’ve already guessed, half asleep on rising this morning I went into habit mode and set off the alarm again. If it happens tomorrow for a third time, I might be emailing you looking for a place to stay…

So instead of that, I know what I need to do – interrupt the habit. Tonight I’ll be placing my sports bag in the hallway, blocking my pathway. And that will be enough to make me remember. 🙂

We are creatures of habit – some good, some not so good (and some annoying ones also)

Habits can be built at any time at any age – it’s a myth that they can’t be changed. You just need to know what to change and have the commitment to change it (a loving wife in your ear is helpful here…)

But the biggest habit of all to break, is yourself.

How you see the world and yourself, how you think, how you react to adversity, how you manage yourself and others – all inner habits. Right now, there is an incredible opportunity to re-assess you and the way you lead, work and live.

The first question is: Are you grabbing the opportunity?

The second is: What habit can you focus on this week?


MindShift Online – ***Registration Closes Tomorrow – 29 September 2020***

Grab this opportunity to reset your key habits for moving to a new level of performance. Register here.

Free Weekly Relaxation For Leaders: 20 minutes to Clear Your Mind. Improve Your Focus & Mood.

Join me on Tuesday 29 September 7.40am Irish time To Boost Your Clarity And Focus. When you see more and more top performing business leaders and sports people using mental tools to get the edge, surely it’s time to take notice and at least give some of them a try? You can join without anyone seeing you and the feedback from everyone who has participated is very positive. Instagram Live.

Online Academy: Check out these useful online talks and courses to help you accelerate your personal and professional development, gain more clarity and improve your results. See here.

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