
Apple, Blackberry & Meditation!


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“Prayer is when you talk to God; meditation is when you listen to God.” ~Author Unknown

It doesn’t matter whether you believe in a God or not, meditation is worth knowing about. The benefits include:

– More peace of mind and happiness

– More creativity

– Improved metabolism

– Better immune system

– Stronger coping mechanisms

& much more.

I predict that you will be hearing a lot more about ‘meditation’ and ‘mindfulness’ with regards to business over the next 5 years.  The research in this area is exploding.

It’s ironic that the smarter we get with our technological creations, the ‘busier’ we get in our minds, which ultimately leads to more
stress and less creativity. Technology is amazing but most of us don’t have control of it. We spend more time ‘online’ that we do ‘in tune’ with ourselves. (Some could say that technology was the new God…) It’s VITAL to get some ‘quiet time’ for your mind every day – consistently! My advice is to start something if you haven’t and if you have keep doing it.

If you’d like to start your week with a laugh, have a look at this sketch with Ronnie Corbett about Blackberry and Apple. (Just in case you can’t see the video on screen, here’s the link My Blackberry Is Not Working)

Have a great week,

Best Regards,


ps – Thanks to Noreen Farrell for sending me on the video link.


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