
Breaking News And Our Minds

“A man who took an airline company to court after his luggage went missing, has lost his case.”


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Breaking News: 

“A man who took an airline company to court

after his luggage went missing,

has lost his case.”

Is there such a week as a quiet news week anymore?

Breaking news seems to be a daily occurrence. Between Trump, Brexit, Stock Markets, Russian spies, Facebook’s role in elections and climate change to name a few…we seem to be in world of extreme change and unpredictability – which brings with it volatility and uncertainty.

It’s easy to get distracted and perhaps more pessimistic.

On the positive side from my point of view, good news over the weekend was that Ireland’s rugby team won the coveted Grand Slam for only the third time in the competition’s history – something that only a few years ago seemed impossible for such a small country.

But in the middle of the past week, my son Sam was ill and ended up in hospital.

The challenge with that kind of situation, is that you have no control really of what’s happening. When your child is ill, you can try to influence what’s happening but until the medical people start eliminating possibilities the only thing you can control is your mind i.e. focus on what’s most important, stop your thoughts going to worse case scenario and instead put it on a positive end result.

And that can be challenging in the midst of extreme turmoil.

I think the analogy holds true for the world we are in today. We are in a time where volatility and uncertainty will become more prevalent. If we’re not careful we can get distracted with the immediate flares and not stay focused on what matters most.

More than ever we are being challenged to give our attention to the present moment and also our desired outcomes. This is the key skills for leaders going forward.

Myself and my wife are grateful that it looks like our son is recovering and nothing too serious is going on. But the experience highlights to me, more than ever, how we need to practice the management of our minds.

A great way to uncover your most important focus areas is to run through the key areas of your life and business regularly.

What is most important with my…

– health/state

– relationships

– work

– spirituality

– finances

– hobbies

When we’re crystal clear on what matters most it’s easier to stay focused when turbulent weather hits.

Breaking news can be a beautiful distraction but it rarely has any real value to what matters most to you and me.



Are you thinking of going to The Dinner For Ladies Who Don’t Lunch?

I’d suggest you book soon, as 80% of tickets are already sold and there are limited places. Taking place on 12th April, this year the special guest is Breege O’Donoghue, one of the driving forces behind the international success that is Penneys/Primark. A fun and inspiring event, if you attend you just never know who you will be sitting beside. Booking here.

Online Academy: Achieve more clarity, excel in your personal and professional development with some of my online courses and talks. Learn at your own pace from anywhere. More details here.


My Blog – The Eye Of The Storm: https://shanecradock.com/blog/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/shanecradock 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ShaneCradock.InspiredBusiness/ 

Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/shanecradock/

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