
Do You Have The Stretch Factor?

"The mind once stretched by a new idea never returns to it’s original dimensions. "


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“The mind once stretched by a new idea never

returns to its original dimensions. “

– Ralph Waldo Emerson

As we’re into the holiday season, many people will be taking a ‘Digital Detox’ for a week or two.

There is always great value in this in terms of re-charge but in my experience, for most it rarely changes what matters most – habits of thinking.

What you think determines your behaviour and results. So what and how you think really matters.

So as we turn the corner into the second half of the year, I think it’s also worth considering how you will disrupt your ‘habits of thinking’.

One of the best ways I know to do this is to deliberately spend time with more people who make you stretch.

These are people who make you question yourself and your beliefs, challenge you in ways others don’t but underneath it all, they want the very best for you.

The Stretch Factor is something the best people I know cultivate. They seek out people who don’t think the same as them and encourage debate and open discussion.

Spending time with people like this makes you uncomfortable – which is why many people usually retreat to the safety of the herd.

When you hang out with people who never challenge the way you think, it’s very difficult to get better.

Who can you seek out to help you stretch?


CEO Question Series: If you’re a CEO or in a leadership position, you should enjoy my free weekly CEO Question Series. On YouTube and Linked In.

Online Academy: Achieve more clarity, excel in your personal and professional development with some of my online courses and talks. Learn at your own pace from anywhere. More details here.

Topics include:

  • State Of Mind: Improve The Key To Better Results In Busines And Life
  • Thrive: How To Do It In A World That’s Changing Faster Than Ever
  • BluePrint Online : Improve your Purpose, Clarity and Focus


My Blog – The Eye Of The Storm: https://shanecradock.com/blog/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/shanecradock 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ShaneCradock.InspiredBusiness/ 

Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/shanecradock/

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