
Eminem Inpsiration With A Food Twist

“If people take anything from my music, it should be the motivation to know that anything is possible


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“If people take anything from my music,
it should be the motivation
to know that anything is possible as long as you keep
working at it and don’t back down.”
– Eminem

Last week, I found myself working with an exciting Boston based
business who’s mantra is ‘Everything Is Possible’.

Their mission is to ‘Unjunk Our World’ and they’re starting
with the food industry.

Like every business that’s really going for it,
they’ve encountered a lot of obstacles to date and their
road so far has been anything but straight.

They even shut the company down for a period to
refocus themselves.

But their energy, determination and willingness to
keep working at it is inspiring.

As Eminem says, “…anything is possible as long as you keep
working at it and don’t back down.”

Something we all need to hear every now and then.


ps – The company’s name is Unreal and they pulled off an incredible
publicity stunt with the famous American football Quarter-Back, Tom Brady
– you can watch it here.

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