
When Fighting Leads To Better Talking

“See that's the difference between us. You think we’re fighting, I think we’re finally talking!” - Rod Tidwell in the movie ‘Jerry Maguire’


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“See that’s the difference between us.
You think we’re fighting,
I think we’re finally talking!”
– Rod Tidwell in the movie ‘Jerry Maguire’ 

A female senior executive was talking to me recently about not
being happy with the way their boss was getting involved
in some of their work and meetings.

When I asked if they’d spoken with them about the situation
the answer was ‘No, I don’t want to rock the boat.’

The problem is that ‘rocking the boat’ is essential to having
a great business and a great life.

And by ‘rocking the boat’ I mean just saying honestly if you believe
there’s an issue or something needs to change.  At least then, the other
party/parties have a chance to make the change if they agree with you.

Too often in business and life, how we really feel goes unsaid.

And that’s not good for the business or your life.

We can often think too much in the short term and not
enough in the long term when it comes to potential conflict.

Short term is it’s better off to keep the peace, better for harmony,
better for my comfort.

Long term though, if you’re not honest it will probably mean an erosion of trust,
a building of resentment and ultimately probably damage your business or your

It’s impossible for any one person to have a complete 360 degree
view of everything.  We all have blind spots.

That’s why as a leader it’s essential to welcome people who have a different viewpoint
and maybe more importantly, to be okay with being the one
who speaks their mind – especially if it feels uncomfortable.

You obviously have to judge the timing, but in most things that matter,
the timing is never perfect.

And even if speaking your truth results in a fight, just like in the movie
‘Jerry Maguire’, at least you can say “Well, I did my best.”

But most of the time, fighting (when done in the right spirit)
leads to better talking.

Where can you be more honest this week?


Upcoming Events/Training:

Join Me On The Inspired Hike On Friday 19th August, morning.
I’m organising a hike in August where you can join me and some
like-minded business leaders for a morning filled with fresh air and some inspiration.   And
all in the magnificent surrounds of Glendalough, County Wicklow,
one of the most beautiful places on the planet.   There are limited spaces and
if you’re interested, all of the details, including booking facility, are here.

Mentor Me – The Almost Free Mentoring Event- Wed 24th August, evening.
If you’re in business less than 3 years, this event may be of interest to you.
Some of my clients have offered their time to give some mentoring to some companies.

It’s for business owners or self-employed who are in business less than 3 years
and would welcome some advice from experienced people.  There are limited places
because we have limited numbers of mentors, so you do need to answer some questions
before getting a spot.  All detailshere.

Transform Your Productivity & Quality Of Life – TimeShift Workshop
Learn life and work transforming skills in this unique training that impacts on
your results, energy, sense of control, peace of mind and much more.
All details here.  Starts 1st Sep

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