
Limited Free Email Series

Going Deeper:
Sharing A Little Bit More Than I Usually Do

I’m creating something just for people on my mailing list and it will only be available for a limited time.

Depending on how long you’ve been reading my weekly emails, you will likely be used to the style of my stories and content. You’ll also be aware of my passion and interest for the ‘inner’ side of things in life.

I hugely enjoy writing those Monday morning emails but if I’m completely honest, I don’t always share my deeper thoughts, insights and musings about life.

Why? – Because I’m not sure they’re for everyone. 🙂

The weekly emails are also designed to be short and read in less than 60 seconds or so. Not a huge amount of time or space to delve into things in a more meaningful way.


In my ‘naive enthusiasm’ I have decided to create a private and limited email series to allow me to go a bit deeper. Over the coming weeks I will share 10 longer form emails that will share my deeper perspectives on various things.

Some of the topics covered will include things like quantum physics, spirituality, healing, inner peace, God, enlightenment, inner surrender, true happiness, purpose and fulfilment.

How To Get Access:

If you’re interested in joining me on this limited journey, enter your details in the opt-in box on this page BEFORE xxxx.

The first email goes out on Friday xxxxx

IMPORTANT: I’m not promising anything with this email series. It’s just me sharing more of my views on life, a few stories I haven’t shared before and some ideas that may or may not work. But I will promise you that what I share will be honest and unfiltered.


Get access to
'going deeper'

Exclusively for people on Shane Cradock’s mailing list.