
Have You Got An Educated Mind?

“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.” Aristotle Worth dwelling on for a moment… Interesting that the great philosopher doesn't meantion how much a person knows... which might be the traditional view of an educated mind. The best I know have this mental ability, as he describes it. To be able to really listen and consider another opinion, idea or point of view, without immediately reacting with their own view. (internally or externally). To truly consider another viewpoint from all angles, without accepting it, leads to great benefits in business and life.


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“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain
a thought without accepting it.”

Worth dwelling on for a moment…
Interesting that the great philosopher doesn’t meantion
how much a person knows… which might be the traditional view of
an educated mind.

The best I know have this mental ability, as he describes it.

To be able to really listen and consider another opinion, idea or
point of view, without immediately reacting with their own view.
(internally or externally).
To truly consider another viewpoint from all angles,
without accepting it, leads to great benefits in business and life.

Not easy to do and seems to be shorter in supply
in today’s ‘busy’ mental world.
But if you’re on this weekly mailing list, your view of the world
is different anyway! 🙂
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