
How To Improve The Energy In Your Business And Life

Everyone knows it just takes one bad apple to kill a team, but they don't often consider the impact of their own state or mood in the same way.


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“The leader’s mood and behaviours drive the mood

and behaviours of everyone else.”

– Daniel Goleman, Science Journalist and Author (He wrote the best-seller Emotional Intelligence)

“Are you joking?”

These were the words from a smart leader who was sitting in front of me.

Their business was going through a very challenging period and I’d just suggested that he learns how to improve his mood/state regardless of external circumstances.

Long story short, we managed to help him improve his state, without the external situation changing significantly immediately – and I always remember hearing from some of his team how, a day after meeting, they said that “the light has come back on – and with it has come hope”.

And they managed to turn the situation in the business around dramatically. People forget that your state or mood transmits an energy. And that energy is like electricity flowing through your organisation.

Everyone knows it just takes one bad apple to kill a team, but they don’t often consider the impact of their own state or mood in the same way.

Most people think you can fake your mood, but you can’t really.

People are too clever – they know.

If you’re looking for make a shift in your performance as a person, as a leader and for your organisation, consider looking towards your own state/mood and how you can be more consistent with it – regardless of external circumstances.

What’s the one thing you could do more consistently this week, daily, to improve your state/mood?

Will you do it this week?

What’s the behaviour you’d like to see more of in your organisation or family? Instead of giving out about it not being there, how about you consider being the role model of it this week?

Who you are and how you are matter as a leader in any context – business or personal.

So who and how do you want to be this week?


PS – If you’re interested in discovering more about how to manage your state more consistently, please check out my online content on it here.

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