
Insights from Business Owners


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Had a great session today with the Inspired Business Club Workshop that runs every month in the Glenview Hotel.  There was a nice ‘active’ mix of business owners based in Wicklow, Dublin and Kildare.   Apart from a healthy exchange of ideas, insights and useful contacts, there was also a useful discussion around ‘Critical Thinking Time’ and top lessons learned over the past month.

Here’s some of the insights shared:

Top Lessons Learned:

– As the business grows, there’s a critical need to have clear consistent messages sent to customers.  The danger is the messages vary from person to person.  One possible solution is to create a strategic marketing document that includes the top 10 messages to convey.

– It’s vital to completely disconnect when on holidays.  This is vital for rejuvenation and downtime, especially when you run your own business.  Checking in on the odd email negates any benefit of being ‘away’.  When on hols, dis-engage.

– Be aware that how you operate as a business owner probably doesn’t help your staff’s productivity or learning.  Most business owners operate at a fast level (or they should!).  Interrupting your team to tell them something can knock their concentration.  Maybe you can be more effective by having focused daily huddles to communicate changes/ideas.  And maybe you could also have a once a week focus meeting?  Think about your team like lasers.  Are they fully focused or are you interrupting them with consistent changes/ideas/corrections etc.  Basically, are you distracting your team the way you’re communicating?

– Tell your team about the bigger picture and the stuff they can’t see.  It helps with their motivation and makes them feel like they’re part of something.

– Your key strategic client relationships are the ones that need to be maintained by you and no-one else.  Others can help and manage the account.  But you’re most important clients need to know they can talk to you when they need you.

Focus Topic Today – Critical Thinking Time:

The highest paid people in society are those who think the best.  But how many of us take time out to really think?

Critical Thinking Time is time 100% focused on 1 Topic.   There are multiple ways to do this and here’s some output from the discussion today:

1. The Benefits of making time to THINK:  

*Better thinking leads to better decisions which leads to better actions and results.

*You will get better ideas for your business and life

*You spend valuable time on the bigger picture for direction, rather than being mired in the day to day

*You will see more opportunities for the long term

2. How Best To THINK?

It’s different for everyone.  Here ‘s some ideas:

Move to a new environment and isolate yourself.

Do it in the morning to get it done as a priority.

Phone and email has to be off!

Be 100% engaged and ensure there are NO interruptions.

Do it for 30 to 50 minutes in an intense way.

Plan it in every week in advance, otherwise it probably won’t happen.

Use someone else to help you stay focused and use as a sounding board.

Have some music on in the background.

3. Useful Reading:

This month’s recommended reading is

Thanks to everyone who attended and looking forward to the next workshop on Friday 26th August.   www.inspiredbusiness.ie


ps – Very useful website recommended by Fintan Murphy of Damson Cloud – https://join.me/

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