
Inspiration From Steve Jobs


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Just in case you were being fooled into thinking that every business out there is suffering,

check out Apple’s results for Qtr 1 2009 –

“We are extremely pleased to report the best non-holiday quarter revenue and earnings in our history,” said Peter Oppenheimer, Apple’s CFO, in announcing the company’s March quarter financial results.

In its fiscal 2009 second quarter, Apple posted revenue of $8.16 billion and a net quarterly profit of $1.21 billion, or $1.33 per diluted share. Gross margin was 36.4 percent, UP from 32.9 percent in the year-ago quarter.

So anything is possible!

And probably a lot of their success stems from the inspiration of their leader’s mental attitude.  Get an insight to this attitude from the following clip:

ps -If you have never seen this it’s really worth watching.

pps- And if you have already seen it, it’s probably worth watching again!


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