I love it when serendipity happens. It’s a reminder to me that we’re in a big universe that is unfolding in it’s own way, with many connected things I can’t see. Last week, I went for a socially distanced walk n talk with someone and we ended up going into a cafe to get some drinks to go. At the counter was a book of quotes. Having written a book based around inspirational quotes (Promotional plug: Inspire Me), I’m always curious so I picked it up and before opening it, said out loud: “Give me something relevant.” When I opened the page there were two quotes facing me and I think they are quotes perfect for the time we live in today. The first was this: “In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity” – Albert Einstein We have many difficulties around us today. So by Einstein’s logic we have many opportunities. But are you looking for them? Dwell on this question today and this week. Take out a pen and paper for the first 10 minutes of your day, and write some possible answers. If you do, your mind will give you some interesting and very beneficial answers. Where are the opportunities for you? (Business and personal) They are there. We just need to have a mindset that keeps looking for them. Best, Shane PS – The second quote is to do with laugher and is in the image below with me and the book in question. I’m looking forward to the time when I can go back to that cafe with no mask! |