
Is It Them Or Is It Me?

“If you want things to be different, perhaps the answer is to become different yourself.” - Norman Vincent Peale It’s so easy to blame my customers, my boss, my investors, my business partner, my team, my wife, my husband, my kids… (not necessarily in that order!)Maybe you’re looking to change things by changing one or all of the above.And your plan just might work. Or maybe your plan needs you to look more at yourself - from the inside out. I'm not saying nothing needs to change around you. But it usually happens quicker and more effectively when you change first. In my experience, this is usually where the real pay-off is.


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“If you want things to be different,
perhaps the answer is to become different yourself.”
– Norman Vincent Peale

It’s so easy to blame my customers, my boss, my investors, my business partner,
my team, my wife, my husband, my kids… (not necessarily in that order!)

Maybe you’re looking to change things by changing one
or all of the above.

And your plan just might work.

Or maybe your plan needs you to look more at yourself – from the inside out.
I’m not saying nothing needs to change around you. But it usually
happens quicker and more effectively when you change first.

In my experience, this is usually where the real pay-off is.

And much less stressful…

Food for thought.
High Value Effectiveness Training in Dublin in May

One of my training workshops is called ‘TimeShift – How To Dramatically
Boost Your Effectiveness, Mindset And Life.’

It teaches you a different way of working and living to most people
that has a massive impact on how you work, think and live.

3 weeks into the current workshop and participants
have already reported an average increase in effectiveness of 50%.

This is not marketing hype – some of the results are better than that.

Imagine what that will do to the bottom line of those
people and the companies they’re in over time?

If you’re working in or close to Dublin, this may be of interest
to you. The next TimeShift workshop starts on Wed 20th May
in Dublin city centre. It runs over 3 morning workshops to build a priceless habit.

All details are here.

None of us can get our time back when it’s gone, but it you’re not
happy after the first day of this workshop, I’ll give you your money back.

ps – If you can’t make the workshop, this audio training will get you started in a very
meaningful way.

Looking For Inspiration?

Every Monday morning since 2008, I’ve been sending quick, impactful emails to kickstart your week. In under 60 seconds, get stories, insights, and tools for personal excellence.