
Is It Time To Take A Chance?


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“In the end we only regret the chances we didn’t take.”
– Anonymous

This anonymous guy gets around…:)

I’m sure there are opportunities around you right now and perhaps you’re debating whether to take a leap of faith in an area of your business or life.

You have to judge it yourself, but considering the above quote might help you get there faster.

There are no guarantees in life as you know, yet there is a high probability of regret if you never take chances.

A year ago, I took a chance on something that was a ‘scary’ project.

I’d written a comedy play and my goal was to make it with a professional team. Plenty of people told me it wasn’t going to work.

Some of you reading this helped the project through a crowd-fund and the dream was realised in February this year in Dublin, where the play played to a packed theatre in Dublin over 3 nights and received very positive reviews.
Another element to the project has now emerged and I’m delighted to say that my play, The Waiting Room, goes on a small tour with a professional team starting from the 26th September in Kilkenny.

The project has not been easy – nothing worthwhile is as you know – but it has been and continues to be a lot of fun and extremely fulfilling.

It was something I took a chance on despite not knowing ‘how to achieve the goal’. The path doesn’t have to be clear to take a chance.

What this week will you take a chance on? 

ps – If you have any interest in seeing the show, the full details re venues and dates are here.

Upcoming Events:
***2 hour talk in Dublin with  Seminars.ie on Wed 24th Sep, 7.30pm – ‘The Blind Spot’.  All details here.

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