
James Cameron Fights Back


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In keeping with the ‘movie theme’ started last week, it seems only
fair to give this week’s inspirational quote to the ex-husband
of last week’s ‘quotee’…
“You have to not listen to the nay sayers because
there will be many and often they’ll be much more
qualified than you and cause you to sort of doubt yourself.”
– James Cameron, Filmmaker and Director of Avatar, Titanic, Terminator (to name a few)
In your own business you will always meet plenty of ‘nay sayers’.
You’ll meet people who don’t like you, believe in you, or just plain resent
the fact that you’re succeeding at something they couldn’t make work.
James Cameron is someone who has achieved amazing success in his chosen field,
as well as being a pioneer in the development of his art.  As he points out, you often
meet people who are more qualified than you but he gives us a clue as to what
is much more important than qualifications…
It’s self-belief.
There are many in your chosen field who may have more talent, qualifications and even contacts.
But they count for nothing if you don’t have pure self-belief.
With self-belief you can climb any mountain, regardless of your circumstances.
I’m sure you know plenty of people who have amazing talent but lack the self-belief to harness that talent.
And the ‘nay sayers’ are only too happy to stop you even trying.
And be warned they’ are everywhere.  They’re not just some of the people you know but
also the media – newspapers, blogs, and tv.  If we listen too much to ‘negativity’ it can
start to have an affect on us, like water sinking into a sponge.
Is there anything in your mind this week that has you doubting yourself? or your business
performance?  Are you ‘accepting’ poor results because of the economic situation or are
you going to do ‘whatever it takes to succeed?’
If there is something causing you to doubt yourself, why not completely disregard it for
just this week?  And just take action in what you’re focused on.
Food for thought,
Have a great week,
ps – if you’re interested in seeing a recent talk given by James Cameron at TED, then follow this link.  James Cameron Talk
In it one of the great things he says is “Don’t put limitations on yourself… other people will do that for you”

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