
Your Number 1 Asset + interview

“To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind.


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To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one’s family, 
to bring peace to all, 
one must first discipline and control one’s own mind. 

If a man can control his mind he can 
find the way to Enlightenment, 
and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.”

I was interviewed last week by LMFM in Ireland on
‘mind coaching/training’ in business.

I was joking with someone there beforehand that there
was no way that interview would have happened 10 years ago.

Thankfully, people are more open to learning about their most
important asset now than ever – and for good reason.

When done right, it gets results.

Your mind is key to achieving success – whatever that means to you
– and to achieving happiness and fulfilment.

One of the key principles of your mind is this:

You move towards what you’re focused on.

You could be the smartest person in the room, but if you are focusing
too much on problems, people who are annoying you, fear, doubt etc.,
you won’t achieve your best results.

A key question I ask people is this:
What are you focused on?

Most people can tell you their problems quicker than they will their goals.

One of the biggest problem for companies is that they get distracted
with people problems and so take their eye off the ball i.e. sales and net profit.

A key part of achieving your potential is developing the skill
of Mind Management.

A great starting point, is to tune into what you’re mind is focusing on this week.

Even to what it’s saying as it reads this mail!

Because every thought counts.

Food for thought.


ps – If you’re interested, a recording of the interview on LMFM is here.
In it I share some insights from my work over the past 16 years.

Upcoming Events/Training:

Brand Building Workshop – with Lorraine Carter
A priceless investment for all brand owners, managers and entrepreneurs considering brand
revitalisation or a total rebrand.  Mon/Tue 3rd & 4th October in Dublin. Email me directly for
further information.

For Business Owners: Grow Your Business, Grow Your Life

Over the past 3 years, I’ve been working with a group of business
owners in what I call the Thrive Forum. If you can imagine having 10-12 experienced
business owners from various industries working together with my help to get better
– in their businesses and lives.

The results have varied from person to person but the
overall result has been great and include:

-Creating and achieving exciting 3 year visions – personal & professional
-Increasing sales and profitability
-Starting new businesses/changing direction
-Re-balancing life with work
-Finding new ideas and visions
-Managing energy and stress levels better
-Creating lives and businesses that are a ‘truer’ reflection of themselves
-Being challenged to think differently and better

As you know, running a business can be lonely work
and not everyone relates to it.  It’s powerful to be able to share challenges or opportunities
that other people not only can relate to but often, have been where you are now.

If you’re interested in finding out some more about my Thrive Forum,
you can find out more by clicking here and answering a short questionnaire
– it’s purpose is to help me filter quickly if the 12 month program is a fit for you.

Click here to complete the short questionnaire.

Looking For Inspiration?

Every Monday morning since 2008, I’ve been sending quick, impactful emails to kickstart your week. In under 60 seconds, get stories, insights, and tools for personal excellence.