
One Critical Key To Improving Your Results

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity. An optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” - Winston Churchill The pioneer of positive psychology, Martin Seligman, proved through his research that excessive pessimism is bad for your health, your career and your relationships. He also showed that it was bad for business. Excessive pessimism affects your bottom line - professional and personal. On the flip side, his research has shown that optimism is much better for your health. career and relationships.


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“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity.
An optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”
– Winston Churchill

The pioneer of positive psychology, Martin Seligman, proved
through his research that excessive pessimism is bad for your health,
your career and your relationships.

He also showed that it was bad for business.

Excessive pessimism affects your bottom line – professional and personal.

On the flip side, his research has shown that optimism is much
better for your health. career and relationships.

And much better for business.

No-one is immune to pessimism, even optimists!  It can creep in to your thinking
very subtly.  Yet it’s important to flip it.

2 ideas for this week:

  1. Check your own optimism levels for different areas: career, people, projects, health etc.

  2. Share the above quote with the people around you this
    week and ask the question ‘What is our collective optimism out of 10?’

The more optimistic your mindset, the higher the chance you have of
leveraging your talent and that of your team into meaningful results.

Food for thought.

ps – The simplest way to become more aware of your pessimism/optimism balance is to tune into your inner voice and also the dialogue in your teams.

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