
One Thing Jony Ive Learned From Steve Jobs


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“Jobs taught me that focus means “not doing something that, with every bone in your body, you think is a phenomenal idea,”
if it would prevent you from staying on task.”
– Jonathan Ive, Senior VP Design, Apple.

Jony Ive is the person credited with bringing the design flair to Apple’s superb line of products over the past 10 – 15 years.
And that lesson he learned from his friend and boss is easy to read and say – not so easy to live and work by.

As we come into the final month of 2014, ask yourself where is the best use of your focus? December is a key month. A chance to really close things out and get set up properly for the year ahead.

Yet it’s also a month with a lot of distractions.  Distractions that can cost you results – business and life. Distractions that often make little difference to what you want in your career and life.

So maybe consider fine tuning your focus for the month ahead…

For instance, there’s only one thing that is the most important thing… or only one answer to the question ‘What is the best use of my time today/this week/this month?’The easiest thing in the world is to be busy in December…but busy doing what?
Food for thought.

Success In The Year Ahead:  Join me for a unique 1 hour Tele-Seminar to get out of the blocks well in 2015.  Early bird offer of €37 if you buy before Tuesday 9th December. (Fee goes to €67 after that date)
There will be a recording of the event for anyone who participates along with a simple pdf workbook.
Full details are here.

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