
Oscar Movie Contender ‘The Imitation Game’

"Sometimes it is the people no one imagines anything of that do the things no one can imagine.” - Tagline to the Movie ‘The Imitation Game’ I was very taken with this line in the above movie which is one of the upcoming 2015 Oscar best film contenders. A few things strike me about it… *We all need people around us who see our potential and are willing to encourage and challenge us.


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“Sometimes it is the people no one imagines anything of
that do the things no one can imagine.”

– Tagline to the Movie ‘The Imitation Game’

I was very taken with this line in the above movie
which is one of the upcoming 2015 Oscar best film contenders.

A few things strike me about it…

*We all need people around us who see our potential and are
willing to encourage and challenge us.  

*Your words hold immense power.   With them, you can build people up
or indeed break them down to a fragment of themselves.

*Never limit yourself to what others think of you.  You must fight
for what you are seeking to create, even if others doubt you.

So in that vein…

*What kind of people do you have around you?  Are they + or -, when it comes to your future?

*What words are you using with others around you? Are you a dream maker or dream breaker?

*Have you activated the ‘fire’ inside yourself?  What words are you using inside yourself?

As you’re reading this, I’m imagining someone who has a lot more they want to
do and be – and I’m going to say, go for it.  People with less talent than you
have done it.  Why can’t you?
Food for thought….

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