
Some Positive (And Free) Information For Your Mind

Most people reading this will find themselves in a new situation - where they will be working from home more than normal. Something I learned years ago while going through a severe personal crisis, was I had to be very careful about the kind of information I consumed. And I remember in the crash of 2008/09 that one of the biggest problems for my clients was the amount of negative information being consumed daily - which when they reduced helped their clarity considerably because it reduced the scale of the fear that had taken hold.


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“Fear is a virus in itself.”

― Leo Varadkar, Taoiseach of Ireland (Prime Minister)

Most people reading this will find themselves in a new situation – where they will be working from home more than normal.

Something I learned years ago while going through a severe personal crisis, was I had to be very careful about the kind of information I consumed.

And I remember in the crash of 2008/09 that one of the biggest problems for my clients was the amount of negative information being consumed daily – which when they reduced helped their clarity considerably because it reduced the scale of the fear that had taken hold.

And this was before the tech revolution that brought 24/7 connectivity, social media and instant messaging.

But one of the great things about being so connected now is just that – we can connect with more people and more positive resources than ever before.

And as a small gesture, I’m sharing some things with you that I believe are better ‘food for your mind’. It may not be for today but perhaps you can refer to them in the coming days – when you’re mind needs some inspiration or distraction from the news.

1. Free Kindle Book:

My book ‘Inspire Me’ – is available for a free download in the kindle version for the next 5 days (that’s the maximum time that Amazon allows).

It’s normally €9.99 on kindle but it’s zero cost until the 22nd March. Download it now and you can read it whenever you want.

You can get it in any country on Amazon. UK and US links below:

UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Inspire-Me-Life-Wisdom-Pass-ebook/dp/B06XFN4DP2/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=inspire+me+shane+cradock&qid=1584532804&sr=8-1

US: https://www.amazon.com/Inspire-Me-Life-Wisdom-Pass-ebook/dp/B06XFN4DP2/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=inspire+me+cradock&qid=1584546890&sr=8-1

Chapter 12, When Things Go Wrong… should be of particular interest.

2. Free 90 Minute Talk on State Of Mind:

Below is a link to a recording of a 90 minute talk I gave about ‘State Of Mind’.

This is normally €67 on my site and in it I share a lot of tips learned from over 20 years of experience. There will be something that will make a difference to you in it right now.

To access just click on the link: https://shanecradock.newzenler.com/courses/state-of-mind-the-key-to-better-results-and-life?coupon=SHANESOM

and then on ‘Enroll in course’. It should be ‘0’ cost – any issues try the code ‘SHANESOM’.

3. Podcast Interview: Managing your state of mind and focusing on your inner game

I was interviewed on this Podcast this day last week for The Mastering Your Wellness Podcast hosted by Jayann Maher – and what a week since! So it was just before the corona virus accelerated into the Western World. But most of the content in the interview is still very relevant and may give you an angle to help your clarity, focus and state of mind right now.

Podcast links:

Apple https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/protecting-your-state-mind-managing-your-mood-focusing/id1338543679?i=1000468255039

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/2h3YmPLPLttCU4ijIwz4Kp

A calm, clear mind is the essential skill for leadership and navigation now.

I hope the above helps you a little.



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