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 “Success comes from knowing that you did your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming.”

– Coach John Wooden

If you’re not a fan of American basketball you may not have heard of John Wooden.  As a player, he was the first to be named basketball All-American three times.  As head coach at UCLA, he won ten NCAA national championships in a 12-year period – an unprecedented feat.

He was named a member of the Basketball Hall of Fame as a player (inducted in 1961) and as a coach (in 1973), the first person ever enshrined in both categories.  Wooden was renowned for his short, simple inspirational messages to his players. These often were directed at how to be a success in life as well as in basketball.

He saw basketball only as a vehicle to teaching his players about succeeding in life.  And his players were renowned for their discipline, work ethic and character (and their results!)

The above quote is a reminder not to compare yourself to others but to focus on giving 100% of yourself to whatever you do.  Are you really doing your best to become your best?  Are you leaving 100% on the court of life every day?  Most people will answer yes to the above questions, but it’s only deep inside you know if it’s genuinely true.

Because to me, being busy is not giving 100%.   Anyone can be busy these days – but busy doing what?   Giving 100% is consistently doing what matters most.   And it’s not easy.

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