
Taking Your Own Advice…

“If success or failure of this planet and of human beings depended on how I am and what I do…


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“If success or failure of this planet and of human beings

depended on how I am and what I do…

How would I be?

What would I do?” 

-Richard Buckminster Fuller

Over 18 months ago, someone asked me what advice would I give my 18 year old self.

It’s something I’ve thought a lot about since.

Not because I’m not sure about the advice, but because there is so much I’d like to share with him.

I’m a bit of a nerd in that I collect questions (as well as quotations) and the above to me is a zinger. And one I would advise my younger self to consider often, because in my experience, the answers to it remind me of what’s really important.

It focuses my attention on ‘We’ instead of ‘Me’.

It also makes me think about my wider impact and of the daily habits that I need to cultivate.

Because the irony of the question at a collective level, is that the success or failure of our planet

does depend on us.

How we are and what we do, does determine the results for our planet overall.

Something all leaders should perhaps consider more…

What are your answers?


PS – My latest article on Linked In is ‘How To Create A Great Career And Life (For Yourself And Others). Read here.

PPS – 2 things coming up that may be of interest if you are in Dublin this October: 

1. Evening Talk This Wed 3rd October In Dublin

An Evening Of Inspiration And Clarity: 

Topics covered will include:

  • How to create meaningful success
  • How to re-invent and re-energise yourself
  • How to create a turnaround in your business or life
  • How to achieve real and lasting inner clarity
  • Skills for effective leadership in the future (personal and professional)
  • The most common problems people get caught out with and what to do about it
  • The value and challenge of living and working in an authentic way
  • The next level of fitness (And it’s not physical or mental)
  • Why typical High Performance Programs are over-rated and causing a problem

This talk could be just the motivational tonic to kick off Quarter 4. All details and booking facility here.

2. The Clarity Program – 5 Week Evening Course:

Learn the skill of achieving and maintaining inner clarity. This skill impacts on your results, leadership ability, stress levels, focus, communication, confidence, mood, sleep and much more. All details here. 

Access Powerful Content For Positive Change:

Book: Inspire Me – ‘Life Wisdom To Pass On’. Buy UK/IRLNorth America

CEO Question Series: If you’re a CEO or in a leadership position, you should enjoy my free weekly CEO Question Series. On YouTube and Linked In.

Online Academy: Achieve more clarity, excel in your personal and professional development with some of my online courses and talks. Learn at your own pace from anywhere. More details here.

Topics include:

  • State Of Mind: Improve The Key To Better Results In Busines And Life
  • Thrive: How To Do It In A World That’s Changing Faster Than Ever
  • BluePrint Online : Improve your Purpose, Clarity and Focus


My Blog – The Eye Of The Storm: https://shanecradock.com/blog/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/shanecradock 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ShaneCradock.InspiredBusiness/ 

Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/shanecradock/

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