“What one does is what counts.
Not what one had the intention of doing.”
– Pablo Picasso
I was talking with a smart female entrepreneur recently
and she was telling me that her number 1 challenge is
‘finding people for her team who will do what they say they will’.
It reminded me of a universal challenge we all have to deal with.
The challenge of saying versus doing.
It’s easier to say you’re going to do something than it
is to actually do it.
It’s easier to change what you say about your company
than it is to change your company.
It’s easier to say you’re going to listen than it is
to actually listen.
It’s easier to say you’ll achieve a goal than actually put in the
work to achieve it.
It’s the challenge we all face in creating greater lives
and businesses. But the world wants and needs it.
Changing what you do always trumps changing what you say
in the long run.
Words matter. But only when the actions line up.
Here’s a thought provoking article about the demise of Nokia,
once the giants of the phone and telecoms industry.
It presents a picture of a company who didn’t do what they were
saying and also didn’t allow the smart people in the business
to speak up about what needed to be changed. Read here.