
The Hunger Games in 2016

“Stay hungry, stay foolish.” - Steve Jobs Just before the year end, I was talking with a mentor of mine.


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“Stay hungry, stay foolish.”
– Steve Jobs

Just before the year end, I was talking with a mentor of mine.

We were discussing one of my Rocks/Priorities when
they asked me a great question:

‘How much do you really want it?’

My instinctual reaction was ‘Of course I want it’.

But something felt off.

Afterwards as I reflected on our conversation,
I realised that my actions didn’t always reflect on ‘really’
wanting it.  And I had to dig deep within myself to see if I really did
and if I was going to commit 100%.

I was reminded that if you are really hungry for something you will just
do what it takes to achieve it.  Otherwise it might just be wishful thinking.

As I thought about it, something perhaps quite obvious
occurred to me.

There are different levels of hunger.

Level 1 is ‘Yes I want it, but I’d like to do it in a way that suits me.’
i.e. won’t put in the work to change.

Level 10 is “I’m having that”
i.e I’ll do whatever it takes.

For the key goals in your professional and personal life this year,
maybe look at them and ask yourself this question:

‘Out of 10, how much do you want it?’

If the score is less than 6/10, maybe it’s worth:
A. Dumping the goal because you won’t put in the work
B. Re-evaluate and change your commitment levels to the goal

Regardless, it’s always worth doing B.
And the second part of the above quote is always worth remembering.
Especially in a world that can take things too seriously.

ps – Lock onto your top goals this year by attending one of my Blueprint
workshops.  Bookings close this week.

BluePrint Business: 1 day for business owners & self-employed people.  Fri 15th
January.  Details here.

BluePrint General: Open to anyone. Plan your personal and professional life.
Sat 16th January. Details here.

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