
The Inspired Life Of Brian

It's very easy get caught up with what's wrong in your world. And that 'trap' can contaminate your attitude. But starting each day with deliberate intention like Brian, is worth everything.


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“The world is changed by your example,

not by your opinion.”

Paulo Coelho, Poet-Writer

You just never know where or when inspiration can strike.

I was in the dressing room of my gym early this morning having finished a workout and was grabbing my bag to leave when I saw Brian.

He grabbed my attention because he was an older man decked out in the usual gym gear but he moved very slowly because he had a limp and was aided by a walking stick.

It’s probably because of my recent Achilles injury that I’m perhaps more aware of others who use crutches or aids to walk, which is no bad thing.

After we exchanged pleasantries, I discovered that Brian is 80, clearly in pain with his leg but had a big smile to share with the world. And was super keen to get into his workout in the gym.

It made me remember, that really how you go about your life is a choice – a choice of attitude.

And in particular an attitude of ‘whatever happens, whatever way my life is, I’m going to bring my best today and give the best to the people around me. And I’m going to enjoy today!’

It’s very easy get caught up with what’s wrong in your world.

And that ‘trap’ can contaminate your attitude.

But starting each day with deliberate intention like Brian, is worth everything. That’s an example more powerful than any opinion.

I wasn’t looking for inspiration this morning, and I certainly didn’t expect to get anything from an 80 year old man… but I left the gym with an extra ounce of charge in my batteries.

And I thought I’d share Brian’s gift with you.

Where can you bring a touch of ‘The Life of Brian’ into your world this week?



PS – We are approaching full capacity for my upcoming Dinner For Ladies Who Don’t Lunch with special guest, Irish food icon Darina Allen. If you’re planning on going, please get your ticket now.

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