
The Only Decision You Have To Make…

If you’re on my mailing list a while you’ll know that I’ve written a couple of stage plays and while people have been very complimentary on them, they don’t see the ‘inner wrestling’ that was part of the journey to creating them. Creating those plays taught me a lot about myself. The most recent one, The Waiting Room, was an idea in my mind for 7 years before I started writing it. The truth is I kept telling myself a lie for too long which held me back from starting. It wasn’t until I was talking with one of my mentors that I realised something - I was procrastinating, waiting for the ‘perfect time’ to start. I had fallen into the ‘mental trap’ that I often help my clients get out of…. getting stuck in the ‘what’s the path to make this happen?’. And this creates indecision. The only decision to make... is the decision to begin.


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“I used to think I was indecisive

but I’m not too sure.”

If you’re on my mailing list a while you’ll know that I’ve written a couple of stage plays and while people have been very complimentary on them, they don’t see the ‘inner wrestling’ that was part of the journey to creating them.

Creating those plays taught me a lot about myself.

The most recent one, The Waiting Room, was an idea in my mind for 7 years before I started writing it. The truth is I kept telling myself a lie for too long which held me back from starting.

It wasn’t until I was talking with one of my mentors that I realised something – I was procrastinating, waiting for the ‘perfect time’ to start. I had fallen into the ‘mental trap’ that I often help my clients get out of…. getting stuck in the ‘what’s the path to make this happen?’. And this creates indecision.

The only decision to make… is the decision to begin.

The decisions of ‘which way to go’ and ‘what to do’ shouldn’t be made…they should be discovered. So with the Waiting Room the real turning point came when I made the decision to begin – I mean really begin. I was committed to making it happen.

From that point the project was a rollercoaster of uncertainty with twists and turns that were more dramatic than those in the story of the play. But that’s life and by God was it satisfying being on that journey of creation. That’s also what happens when you’re growing a business or indeed creating any project that matters to you.

It’s very easy to fall into the mental trap of ‘When things are right and clear, then I’ll do X’. But it’s not my experience of how things really work. I wonder what’s your experience?

Perhaps you have something that you’d like to move forwards or start creating? Maybe there’s something you keep waiting for the ‘right time’ to be here before beginning…?

  • Talking directly to someone about something important (work, family, friends)
  • Starting a creative project of any form
  • Getting fit and healthy
  • Stopping something (project, product, service)
  • Leaving a job or a business
  • Pushing for a new role or starting something new before you’re ‘ready’

My experience tells me we all have something in this category and today or this week is the time to make the key decision.

To begin.

The rest is all about discovery.

Where does this strike a chord for you?


PS – The Waiting Room was created by a professional production team which I set up and went on to play in theatres around Ireland. The script is saved in Playography Ireland, the official register of professionally produced stage-plays run by The Irish Theatre Institute.


Learn How To Tap Into A Better Version Of Yourself More Consistently:
Join me for my new 3 day program in May, Sustainable High Performance. This program marks an evolution in my own approach – one that is less focused on habits and more on the key principles underlying a higher level of meaningful success. Details and registration here. Limited Places.

‘Finding Flow’ – New podcast episode out nowListen on my website or on all major podcast platforms.

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