
The Weinstein Factor – ‘That’s Just The Way It Is.’

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is  for good people to do nothing” 


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“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is

for good people to do nothing” 

– Edmund Burke

I was talking with a female friend recently about Harvey Weinstein’s alleged behaviour that has been global news over the past 10 days.

She was giving out about Hollywood and why was it that some women were only coming out about events now? (in some cases 20 years after an incident)

I made the point that the same issue is happening in business but it has become ‘normalised’.

When I asked if she’d ever suffered sexual harassment in the workplace but didn’t make an issue of it, she said yes.

When I asked ‘why not?’, she replied with, ‘Because I just thought that’s the way it is.’

And to me that is why so many men and women never spoke up about Weinstein’s behaviour.

They just thought ‘That’s the way it is.’

But it’s not just Hollywood – unfortunately it happens in business and in life.

I’ve heard from many female clients over the years about being harassed by men and much of it has genuinely shocked me.

Science has proven that men are wired differently in their brains when it comes to sex – but that doesn’t excuse harassment on any level. Most men I know are very respectul of women and are disgusted by any sort of harassment. But it’s scary what can be tolerated when someone in authority exhibits ‘dodgy’ behaviour.

What’s happening now, is that because of a few brave women, there is a chance to radically change and shift ‘the way it is’ to something better.

It’s time for good people (men and women) to step up and do something – and a great starting place is to call it out when they see it happening.


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Recent Blogs:

Hurricane Ophelia, The Homeless And Opportunities. Read here.

Doing The Right Thing/Las Vegas. Read here. 


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