
Bring Back The ‘H’ word for 2021

“Hope is not a strategy.” This is a phrase you hear often in the business world and I don’t agree with it completely. If strategy was everything people think it’s cracked up to be less organisations would fail. There's no doubt it's important but so too is hope - or at least feeling hopeful. In my experience, feeling hopeful is vital to progress.


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“Hope is not a strategy.”

This is a phrase you hear often in the business world and I don’t agree with it completely.

If strategy was everything people think it’s cracked up to be less organisations would fail. There’s no doubt it’s important but so too is hope – or at least feeling hopeful.

In my experience, feeling hopeful is vital to progress.

For example, if the leader doesn’t have that ‘feeling’ it ripples into the team very quickly and performance will drop. But if they do have it, it raises everyone’s game immensely – and it can’t be faked.

Ask any leader of a sales team what happens when hope dies. It doesn’t matter how good your product or service is, it won’t gain traction.

Hopefulness is essential for resilience, longevity and success.

When hope leaves the room, trouble enters.

The funny thing about hope is that it’s always lurking in the background, it’s just that the story we’re telling ourselves is covering it up.

The way to access it is to stop listening to your thinking and get back in the game.

If you spend your time listening to the news or twitter, you’d have plenty of reasons not to be hopeful right now – and it could make you stop taking action.

But there are so many reasons to be hopeful about 2021.

And hopefulness is a little bit like a positive virus – it’s contagious.

So my little bit of advice for 2021 is to pro-actively spend time connecting with people who are hopeful because it rubs off.

I wish you the very best in 2021.

I’m feeling very energised about the year ahead and I ‘hope’ you are too! 😉



PS – Consider joining me later this week for two free webinars, for some ideas on how to make the best of this year. Details here for Strive 2021 and Strive Entrepreneur 2021.

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