
Inspire Me: Being The One

Last week I wrote about hopefulness. How it’s vital to progress, resilience and indeed high performance. I remember back when I was going through a very dark time in my mid-20s, I had no hope whatsoever. I’m sure you’ve also had your moments. But an important point in my journey of recovery was when I was introduced to a counsellor who seemed to have some answers. My first question to him was this: “Can you make the pain stop?” He replied “No, but I’ll help you make the pain stop.” That didn’t make complete sense at the time but all I heard was that it was possible to make the pain go away. And that brought hope back into my life. And that changed everything because then I was committed to putting the work in, and taking action.


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I am only one, but I am one.

I cannot do everything, but I can do something.

and I will not let what I cannot do

interfere with what I can do.”

Edward Everett Hale

Last week I wrote about hopefulness. How it’s vital to progress, resilience and indeed high performance.

I remember back when I was going through a very dark time in my mid-20s, I had no hope whatsoever. I’m sure you’ve also had your moments.

But an important point in my journey of recovery was when I was introduced to a counsellor who seemed to have some answers.

My first question to him was this:

“Can you make the pain stop?”

He replied “No, but I’ll help you make the pain stop.”

That didn’t make complete sense at the time but all I heard was that it was possible to make the pain go away. And that brought hope back into my life. And that changed everything because then I was committed to putting the work in, and taking action.

Ever since then, I’ve worked hard to ensure hope stayed with the people around me. My clients, my friends, my family. Sometimes that meant being the only one who believed in them, or finding something to say that would encourage them to keep going. As a result I’ve seen hope literally transform people and situations.

With the way 2021 has begun, there is no doubt many are struggling perhaps with hope. But you may be reading this feeling hopeful about 2021 and beyond. If you are, remember that many are not. And most of all, remember that you can be an ambassador for #team-hope.

So maybe this week, you might consider reaching out to someone to spread some HEA…

Hope – Encouragement – Appreciation.

The truth is that there is probably one person around you right now, with little or no hope in their minds. And you could be the one to help change the direction of their year. Perhaps even their life.

And the funny thing is, when you focus on bringing hope to others, it tends to grow in you.


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