
Bustling Bratislava – Revoution In The Air….

“The greatest revolution of our generation is the discovery that human beings by changing the inner attitudes of their minds,


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“The greatest revolution of our generation is the discovery

that human beings by changing the inner attitudes of their minds,

can change the outer aspects of their lives” 

– William James

As I write this I’m sitting in a cafe in Bratislava.

It’s the capital of Slovakia, with a population of just over 400,000, in a country of over 5 Million.

The birth of the current nation came from the dissolution of Czechoslovakia in 1993 and they joined the EU in 2004. This all started with the fall of communism in 1989 – a revolution in the consciousness of people in Eastern Europe.

I’m sure the modern, bustling city of Bratislava bears little resemblance to it’s cold war era years – it’s skyline filled with cranes and it’s streets full of modern cafes.

I’m here running a workshop for a large company on how to improve their business, career and lives through a better understanding of how they work as people.

We will cover areas like the Mind (clarity, mental programming, focus), Spirituality/Meaning, Relationships, Thriving in Life, – all with the view of making them better as people and teams.

When I started my own journey of discovery 20 years ago, I could never have predicted my path would have led me here.

There was also zero chance that a company back then would have been open to the material we will be covering. But times change.

The old way of doing things needs to be continuously updated. You may not be aware but there is a quiet revolution happening – one more significant than the fall of communism – one that has the potential to bring us into a better quality world.

And it’s all to do with understanding how to enable yourself to work, live and lead better.

What can you do this week to dig into how you work better?

What inner habits can you look to improve?

Food for thought!


Upcoming Events/Training:

BluePrint – 1 Day To Create A 3 Year Vision And A 12 Month Plan

Join me at my popular visioning and planning day taking place in December for the first time. The venue on Friday 8th December is in Swords, Co. Dublin at the unique Emmaus centre. More details and booking facility is here. The normal fee is €237 per person but there is an early bird of €197 if you book before 9th November.

Public Talk – Achieve. Succeed. Enhancing Your Abillity To Succeed

Hosted by Mark Kelly, creator of What I Know Now, I am speaking at this evening event and will be sharing new content not given before on the common mistakes made by people in achieving success and what to do about it. Great value tickets. Nov 22nd, 6-8pm, Dublin City.

Details here. 

Recent Blogs:

Hurricane Ophelia, The Homeless And Opportunities. Read here.

Doing The Right Thing/Las Vegas. Read here. 


My Blog – The Eye Of The Storm: https://shanecradock.com/blog/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/shanecradock 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ShaneCradock.InspiredBusiness/ 

Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/shanecradock/

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