
Catalonia/Spain – The Problem with ‘Them Vs. Us’

“Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress;


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“Coming together is a beginning;

keeping together is progress;

working together is success.” 

– Henry Ford

It will be interesting to see what will happen in Spain over the coming days as the situation with Catalonia moves into unchartered territory.

Both sides are entrenched in their own points of view with neither side really bothering to listen to the other. It’s the classic ‘Then Vs. Us’ scenario.

And we are seeing this mindset come more to the fore around the world.

Yet, we know this approach only results in entrenched positions which never creates progress. And in my experience, a different version of the same thing happens every day in organisations.

Sales Vs. Operations

Team 1 Vs Team 2

Mgmt Vs The Rest

And on and on…

‘Them Vs. Us’ i.e. we’re right and they’re wrong.

True change only happens when someone steps up and suggests a different approach.

‘Let’s look at the bigger picture – what are you trying create?’

‘What’s important to you?’

‘Why do you want it?’

And any other amount of open ended questions you can dream of.

But it all starts with an inner shift – I call it a MindShift, where you’re willing to put your own opinions to one side and do something that the best leaders are all great at…

Listen to understand.

I may not agree with you or even like you, but if you really listen to me, then I am more inclined to listen to you.

As the quote above suggests, we have to start with coming together in business and life.

But learning how to work together is real success.


Upcoming Events/Training:

BluePrint – 1 Day To Create A 3 Year Vision And A 12 Month Plan

Join me at my popular visioning and planning day taking place in December for the first time. The venue on Friday 8th December is in Swords, Co. Dublin at the unique Emmaus centre. More details and booking facility is here. The normal fee is €237 per person but there is an early bird of €197 if you book before 9th November.

Dublin Talk, Nov 22nd – Achieve. Succeed. Enhancing Your Abillity To Succeed

Hosted by Mark Kelly, creator of What I Know Now, I am speaking at this evening event and will be sharing new content not given before on the common mistakes made by people in achieving success and what to do about it. Great value tickets. Nov 22nd, 6-8pm, Dublin City.

Details here. 

Recent Blogs:

Hurricane Ophelia, The Homeless And Opportunities. Read here.

Doing The Right Thing/Las Vegas. Read here. 


My Blog – The Eye Of The Storm: https://shanecradock.com/blog/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/shanecradock 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ShaneCradock.InspiredBusiness/ 

Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/shanecradock/

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