
Did Einstein Have Problems?


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Hi all,

I absolutely love this quote:

“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking

we used when we created them.”

– Albert Einstein

If you find that you’re stuck with a problem that you

just can’t seem to fix or get out of, then you could do

worse than think about the above.

a. he suggests that all problems we experience are in part created by us.


b. to solve problems, we need to use a different level of thinking that that

which we had when the problem was created.

Here’s one way to change your level of thinking.

If something in your business or

life isn’t quite where you want it to be,

the first way of changing your thinking is to decide

what you want it to be.

What is your desired outcome?  — Write it out in detail.

Often, we’re so focused on giving out about the problem that

we forget about focusing on where we’re going – and then wonder

why we got lost!!

How else can YOU change your level of thinking?

People, books, nature, exercise, nutrition, movies…?

Figure out what works for you – and do more of it.

Food for thought,

Have a great week,



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