
Some Listening That Makes A Difference

“It takes a great person to be a good listener.” – Calvin Coolidge

To change it up a little, and also because I am currently on holidays…:), I thought I’d share some podcast episodes that I think you’ll enjoy if you like what’s on my weekly emails.

First up is an interview I did a few weeks ago with Tamara Howard. Tamara runs a successful strategic marketing and communications company and over the course of an hour she had some interesting very questions that provoked some useful answers that I believe you’ll get value from.

Getting Better At What Over The Next 12 Months?

“The quality of your thinking

determines the quality of your life.”

– A.R. Bernard.

I was hosting a company retreat for a client at the end of last week and one of the questions I asked them was this:

What is the one thing you’d like to get better at over the next 12 months?

One of the senior managers said they wanted to ‘have more time to think.’

What they meant was more time to raise the quality of their thinking, to be more strategic, to help them ‘see around corners’, to be more creative.

Most people in my experience think too much, or are stuck in loops of the same patterns of thought. But there is a growing awareness that the above quote is a universal truth.

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