
Be Careful With The Ideas You Hold On To

“Sometimes ideas hold us down;
they become heavy anchors that hold the bark of identity fixated in shallow dead water. ” – John O’Donohue

I remember there being a time in my life where I would dread Monday mornings – luckily for me, that is no longer the case.

The morning I’m writing and sending out this email/post is Monday 17th January 2022 – the third Monday of the new year.

Already I’ve heard one radio station proclaim that ‘Blue Monday’ has arrived – the worst day of the year, apparently. Except there’s nothing to back that up. It was an idea originally made up by a travel company as a way to encourage holiday sales.

And the phrase stuck, and spread.

Something To Help Your Clarity & Focus in 2022

“Without questions, there is no learning.” – W. Edwards Deming

I’m not big on resolutions at the start of a new year.

But what I do enjoy is the symbolism a fresh year represents.

For example:

The opportunity to leave the past behind and start anew.
The closing of one chapter and the beginning of another.
The shedding of perceived limitations and the stepping into something new.
This year I encourage you to imagine the best in your life and for the lives of the people around you. And to step into inspired action in creating it.

Distracted By Winning (And Not Winning)

“To get in the zone you have to stay in the present and you have to focus on your process goals.”

– Paul Flynn, winner of six All-Irelands with Dublin in Gaelic football and four consecutive All-Stars.

“I can’t be happy until I achieve this outcome.”

A version of this has been said to me many, many times or if it hasn’t, it’s usually lurking in the back of client’s minds – they just aren’t aware of it. I’m extra aware of this because I did it to myself for so long.

Looking For Inspiration?

Every Monday morning since 2008, I’ve been sending quick, impactful emails to kickstart your week. In under 60 seconds, get stories, insights, and tools for personal excellence.