
Brexit: Scaremongering Vs. Envisioning

"If you are working on something really exciting, that you really care about, you don't have to be pushed. The vision pulls you."


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“If you are working on something really exciting,
that you really care about, you don’t have to be pushed.
The vision pulls you.”
– Steve Jobs

This week Brexit is top of mind for business and politics, where
we find out if Britain is going to leave the EU or not.

One thing is for sure, both sides of the debate have focused on scaremongering
much more than any other tactic.

It’s a pity, because threats and scaremongering is never the way to
capture the heads and hearts of people.

To me, it’s the same with a business and people.

To really thrive as a business or a person, a primary task is to create
a vision or purpose that excites you.

When you are excited, it activates that most valuable resource – passion.

Too many businesses rely on fear. A carry-over from the Industrial Age way
of managing and working.  But it’s not the way any more.

Too many people want to live a better life
but are too focused on the past and the present – not their exciting future.
They are too focused on the potential negatives than the potential positives.

When we put our attention on what an exciting future might look like for us
at least we are opening up the chance of connecting our heads and hearts.

By creating a picture of what an exciting future might look like for us,
we are compelled to take meaningful action – despite any fear or doubt.

It’s the difference between loving what you’re doing (even though tough)
and hating what you do (because it’s from fear).

Our politicians many not be bothered with that, but we can get on it ourselves now
for our lives and businesses.

ps – If the above strikes a chord with you I have 2 events this week that will
help provoke some healthy thought and positive action:

Talk in Dublin:
Thrive – How To Do It In A World That’s Changing Faster Than Ever

Where?  Irish Aviation Conference Centre, Dublin City
When?  Thurs 23rd June, 7pm to 8.30pm
Fee: €27

Full details and booking facility here.

BluePrint Workshop – Sat 25th June
A 1 Day Workshop To Help You Create A Personal And Professional Plan

When was the last time you took a really productive day out for yourself?   Join me at my
popular BluePrint workshop where the focus is on helping you create a 3 year vision with a
12 month plan.
Where? Glenview Hotel, Kilmacanogue, off the N11.
When? Sat 25th June, 9.30am to 4.30pm
Fee: €237
Full details and booking facility here.