
Complimenting A Leader

"Being Prime Minister is a lonely job... You cannot lead from the crowd." - Margaret Thatcher


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“Being Prime Minister is a lonely job… 
You cannot lead from the crowd.” 
– Margaret Thatcher 

If you run your own business, lead a team, are a parent or teach…

you know that being a leader can be a lonely job. 

Not only that it can be wearing and very testing. 

Fine when things are going well but very challenging when things are not going to plan. 

You may know someone around you in a leadership role. It could be your boss, your brother/sister,
your friend, your spouse/partner, your teacher, your employee…. 

Don’t assume that they don’t need encouragement or reminding of their strengths and great attributes
– most leaders are great at putting on the brave face. 

But you’d be surprised how impactful a few supporting words to any leader can be no matter what
level you think you’re at. Because even the best leaders have doubts. And even the best can think
they’re fighting a losing battle at times because most of the time they’re dealing with problem after
problem. So it’s easy to sometimes lose faith. 

But you become a leader yourself when you remind them of the difference they’re making, and to
keep going. 

Words do matter. 

Maybe there’s someone around you this week who needs to hear what you really think of them. (In a good way! 🙂 ) 



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