
Fighting The Old Or Building The New?

“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” - Socrates If you run a business or a team, watch this one. It's one of the things I have to focus on the most with new clients, because their minds are often so caught up with fighting the old. So much time can be spent thinking about and working on the inevitable problems we encounter in our businesses and lives. The problem with problems… is that they are never ending. And they are energy sapping. It's vital that in your day and week you craft out some time to focus on building the new - and that might just be time to think about what the new might look like.


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*Join A Like Minded Community Creating True Success™
“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy,
not on fighting the old, but on building the new.”
– Socrates


If you run a business or a team, watch this one.
It’s one of the things I have to focus on the most with new clients,
because their minds are often so caught up with fighting the old.

So much time can be spent thinking about
and working on the inevitable problems we encounter
in our businesses and lives.

The problem with problems… is that they are never ending.
And they are energy sapping.
It’s vital that in your day and week you craft out some time
to focus on building the new – and that might just be time
to think about what the new might look like.
Simple to say but not always done.
What can you do this week to focus more of your energy
on building the new?

Next TimeShift Workshop Dates: 

3 morning workshops over 4 weeks to build vital habits.

 This training helps you improve the output of your most precious resource – your time. It also improves your clarity, mindset and energy.
The next TimeShift workshop runs in Dublin from Wed 26th August.
All details and booking facility here.
 The Autumn workshop is always well attended so if you’re interested,

I’d advise booking soon.

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