“Hope is the last thing that dies in man; and though it be exceedingly deceitful, yet it is of this good use to us, that while we are traveling through life it conducts us in an easier and more pleasant way to our journey’s end.” Francois De La Rochefoucauld A client, who was very experienced in dramatic business turnarounds, once said this to me: “I’ve come to realise that while hope may not be a strategy, if it leaves the room it’s game over.” I wonder do we watch hope as much as we should? Be it sport, business or life. Hope is really a belief in the possibility of better than now and maybe if it’s extinguished that signals the breaking of our most valuable intangible commodity – the human spirit. I see it very clearly with my son, Sam’s under 13 soccer team. If they don’t have some hope in their minds for winning a game, they may as well not start the game. They have given up before the first whistle has been blown. It doesn’t matter what level of skill they actually have or how great their coaches are, it’s game over – before the game has even begun! At some level maybe we are all still 13 inside because I encounter this type of challenge daily with adults and I have to watch it in myself for the various areas of my life. I call it THF – The Hope Factor. It comes into everything that matters around you: The success you’re striving for The goal you consider to be almost impossible Your health Your top project Your core life relationships There are many driving elements that add up to your THF for an area but at the centre is the story your mind is telling you abut it. I have experienced first hand the miracles that can happen when hope comes back into the room, and the absolute devastation when it leaves. Teams die and along with them incredible projects and work. So too businesses. So too relationships. As my turnaround client said to me: “When I go into a difficult situation all I need is a toe size level of hope. I can grow it from there.” It’s true that hope isn’t a strategy. But without it, the strategy is worthless. That’s why it’s worth asking yourself about The Hope Factor in anything that matters to you. And even if it’s just a ‘toe of hope’, that’s more than enough to make something magical happen. Shane PS – Thanks to Colm for the inspiration. 😉 PPS – If you’re interested in increasing your Hope Factor score significantly, consider joining me and Michael Gerharz on our new program Flip The Script. Starts in 4 weeks time. Details here. Latest Podcast Episodes: Listen for free on my website here or on any major podcasting platform. 87: How To Be A Catalyst For Change 86: Managing Your Emotional Temperature 85: The Shackleton Mindset 84: A Mind Unquestioned Is A Very Dangerous Thing |