
No-One Is Immune To Working On Mindset

In today's world, leaders need to be aware that mindset has to be pro-actively managed. Why? Because it affects everything that matters. And in particular, it affects your state of mind or mood.


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“Life cannot be better than your mindset.”

I was meeting with a smart and driven entrepreneur and I’d started asking him about mindset for himself and his organisation.

He replied:

“I know my mindset is important. I’m always talking about it with my team. We don’t need to focus on it”.

But the reason we were meeting was because in his words he’s lost his mojo’ (Austin Powers really does have a lot to answer for…)

When I asked him why he thought his energy was off, he listed off several factors:

– The team wasn’t performing and sales were down

– The market had changed

– He wasn’t sure if he had the skills to take the business onto the next level

But he didn’t rate his own mindset as a factor.

When we got into it, he soon realised that he actually hated going into the business.


Not exactly the best energy to be bringing into your organisation or interactions with staff, suppliers and customers. And this hate was coming from his mindset. But he was oblivious to it.

As far as he was concerned, his mindset was A1. When in reality it was E1!

Once we realised that mindset was the real issue we looked at how to make changes that would improve it. And very quickly his mojo reset and interestingly, without having to change any tactics sales jumped.

In today’s world, leaders need to be aware that mindset has to be pro-actively managed. Why? Because it affects everything that matters.

And in particular, it affects your state of mind or mood.

Let’s be clear about it: If you allow your mood to drop, it ripples immediately into your work, your life and your team.


Because it affects the quality of your thinking and the quality of your energy. And both impact on everything around you.

Most people know something about mindset.

But most people can still up their game in that area. For example, it’s possible to have a positive mindset regardless of the circumstances. Yet most wait for good circumstances to have a good mindset.

The truth is that even the best can get caught out.

No-one is immune to working on their mindset.



PS – If you’d like to learn more about how to pro-actively manage your mindset, consider my TimeShift program starting in September. It’s a brilliant way to reset and raise your game for the final months of the year. Full details can be found here.