
Spielberg In My Local Pub


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“If the world should blow itself up, 

the last audible voice would be that of an 

expert saying it can’t be done”

 – Peter Ustinov


Here’s 3 impossible things that crossed my radar in the last month alone:

 1. I live in Ashford, Co. Wicklow, a small village.  And in March, one

of the biggest movie studios internationally opened it’s doors there.

It has to be seen to be believed – the goal of it’s creator, entrepreneur

Joe O’Connell, is for the studio to become the ‘studio destination of choice

outside of LA’.  He’s already secured a production deal for ‘Vikings’, a ‘Tudors’

type TV show.


2 weeks ago Steven Spielberg was spotted in my local pub having a meal

with Joe and Daniel Day Lewis.    Not logical, not possible but hey, it’s happening…


2. My brother Mark deliberated for years on setting up his own company, Maven TM,

lead generation specialists for SME technology companies.  So despite the risks he set 

it up just over a year ago.  In March he hired his 12th employee.  

Congrats Mark.  Many would have said it wasn’t logical or possible, but it’s happened…


3. A client of mine had a dream to appear on a very well known TV show. 

(I’m sworn to secrecy 🙂  Damn NDAs… )  Part of him had given up on it or pushed it to one side.  

When he decided to go for it, it all happened easier than he expected and

in March he appeared on the show.  Logical?  Possible?


With all the doom and gloom being peddled in the media, you’d be forgiven

for thinking people had stopped thinking BIG.


Maybe it’s worth digging out those hidden dreams again and

blowing the dust off them…